, / Mar 15

Top 3 Things Guests Love About the Bodhi Lodge

Words by Adrianne

I think the Bodhi Lodge is a pretty great place — it’s in the heart of the community of Bahia Ballena, within walking distance to many amenities as well as the beach, it’s simple but comfortable — but then again, I am biased, being that I am one of the owners of Bodhi Surf + Yoga. Of course I have a special place in my heart for this spot that I have watched and been a part of building from the ground up. Some of my fondest memories from the past five years are of hosting guests from all around the world — memories of laughing until my sides hurt, of having “a-ha” moments hearing someone’s story, or just the feeling of pride when I stop in the midst of all the bustle and look around, thinking “hey, I helped to create this”. I digress.

The point of this article is not to tell you the reasons why I think the Bodhi Lodge is a great place, but to tell you what past guests have highlighted to us are their favorite aspects about this place. So in no particular order, here they are!

Chilling in Cynthia the Swan at Bodhi Surf + Yoga

The pool

The pool has been our newest addition at the Bodhi Lodge. From the very beginning we knew we wanted to put one in, but we had to wait until the other, more important features of the lodge (guest rooms, for example) were complete. We also wanted to wait until we had the capital to do it right; we didn’t just want a prefabricated pool, something we didn’t think would fit with the already-existing style of the lodge. But we were all thrilled to be able to make the pool happen in late 2016.

The pool is now the center of Bodhi Surf + Yoga, where people seem to convene — either in, or around. While it’s certainly not a swimming pool (rather more of a chilling pool), it’s a place that our guests jump into morning, noon, or night to cool off, have a refreshment in, or to hang out with their fellow surf-and-yoga-camp-attendees. Now that we’re in our hottest season, the pool is getting more and more popular. Last week, it seemed like our guests were in the pool more than they were out of it! Reading, listening to music chatting with one another, lying in our new mascot, Cynthia the swan…

Common Area Alegria at Bodhi Surf + Yoga Lodge

Common area Alegria

Bodhi guests are always commenting on our main common area, called “Alegria”, and make some of their fondest memories there. I would like to believe it’s because this is where the magic takes place, i.e. breakfasts and dinners from Adrianne’s Kitchen, and while of course this is part of it, it’s not the whole story. This area is indeed where we have shared meals during the surf and yoga camps. It’s also a very chill place with hammocks, a lounging couch, and a small library. More than that: it’s a place where our guests spend time together laughing, playing games, and having great conversations.

The best part of travel is often not the sights you see or the activities you do, but the connections that you make with others. For me, this is what makes Common area Alegria so special. Unlike the traditional hotel model whereby everyone spends time in their own room, we deliberately designed the Bodhi Lodge to have shared spaces where people can foster these connections.

Comfortable rooms at the Bodhi Lodge

Their rooms (and beds!)

There’s no sense beating around the bush about it — at Bodhi Surf + Yoga, we tire our guests out (in the best possible way, of course). To the point where they are sneaking off one by one to get a solid 8-10 hours in their deliciously comfortable beds. An important part of Bodhi Sessions is indeed rest and relaxation. We recognize that our guests are coming from very busy work-life situations, and while they are coming to learn and grow, they also need some good quality sleeps, not just because of the surfing and yoga, but because they’re on vacation!

In designing the Bodhi Surf + Yoga Lodge, we knew that we didn’t want to add “frills” such as televisions or fancy artwork. We just wanted to provide comfort and simplicity, and to have our main entertainment and decor be the nature that surrounds us. But we all knew that we wanted to get therapeutic mattresses, excellent quality pillows, and soft all-cotton sheets to ensure our guests were getting the best possible sleep while on their active surfing and yoga vacation in Costa Rica.

So there you have it, the three most popular features of the Bodhi Surf + Yoga Lodge. If you are looking for an intimate, active, and learning vacation in one of Costa Rica’s most beautiful and still untouched places — head over to Why Choose Bodhi to learn what sets Bodhi apart!


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Adrianne is the fun-and-food-loving socialite of Bodhi Surf + Yoga. If she's not whipping up a feast for Bodhi Surf + Yoga guests, or out in the water giving surf lessons, she's probably busy writing for the Bodhi blog or keeping people up-to-date on the goings on via social media!
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